Lead (n) is Pb
Lead (v) has past and past participle "led".
Did I lead you astray? You led me astray!
I led the dog on a lead. Where did you lead him? I led him to the lead cistern in the basement.
Lead (n) is Pb
Lead (v) has past and past participle "led".
Did I lead you astray? You led me astray!
I led the dog on a lead. Where did you lead him? I led him to the lead cistern in the basement.
Description: Due to a technical problem, not all GNER services that are operating on Saturday 20 and 27 October are currently shown in the Journey Planning Systems. Where the journey enquiry relates to GNER services on 20 or 27 October please re-enter the enquiry using 3 November as the date - the information for 3 November is correct and valid for journeys on 20 and 27 October.
We are working with our industry partners to provide a solution as soon as possible.
??? What's special about these dates ???